This tinder fungi loosely called a mushroom can be used as a fire starter.
Do not know the name of this flower, but will continue to look
At Quartz Creek we did some hiking and berry picking..We also saw a Lynx from our dining table, but were unable to get his picture.
freshly cleaned berries....ready for a pie. Yum! Yum! Sandy makes the best Gluten-free crust!!
We traveled to Soldotna, Alaska. The Fred Meyer's parking lot was our dry campsite for three days. They allow boondocking for 3 days in their lot. An attendant checks all license plates every evening and enforces that rule. While parked there we spent lots of money at Fred Meyers...I am sure that is their intention. We took our tow cars out for daily tours.
Flowers Flowers everywhere...we found these at Veronica's Coffee House in Kenai.
Right across the street from the coffee house was this Russian Orthodox Church...Holy Assumption of the Virgin Mary
Fireweed....I think it should be the state flower since you see it everywhere, while the Alpine For-get-me-not is so hard to find
We found this Gluten-free store. How exciting for me....needless to say we bought a few GF items.
When having our picnic lunch we saw this tiny baby bunny hidden in the tall fact we almost stepped on him.
Next we traveled to Homer. We stayed at the Homer City Campground. Nothing to shout about, but we were on the waters edge and close to the shops...out on the spit
Everyone must visit the Salty Dawg, that is if you can get in...standing room only!! Be sure to duck.
Glacier view from our RV while at Homer City CG.
Are you ready for a shrimp dinner...Yum!
By now you know I take lots of pictures of flowers
Sights in Seldovia
We ate at the Mad Fish Restaurant
Alaska state flower...."For-Get-Me-Not"
Here they were cleaning fish and the Gulls were getting the leftovers
We visited the visitors center....Very enjoyable and you can take an outside walk as well.
Oh, No....Chuck did you see a bear?? LOL
Here we are ready for our float trip down the Kenai River. It took us some time to get into our gear. I'm sure it would have helped us much if we had overturned...I sure with all the weight we would have sunk and the water temps would not have helped us either.
Our guide
From our raft we spotted this Eagle
Me, don't you just love the outfit.
Morris and Sandy
We are now in Seward, AK. We are staying at the Seward AF Base Famcamp.
Picture of the cruise ships in the harbor
The first thing we want to do is take a Glacier cruise. Lunch is on board so we found a ship that will have a Gluten-free option.
Here we are aboard the Alaskan Explorer
These birds are having quite a chat
A whale from a distance....we saw several, but it is hard to get a picture...they move quickly and the boat is also moving forward,up and down.
Pictures of the glaciers
While in Seward we visited the Alaska Sea Lion Center...very enjoyable. The wild life here has been taken in because of injuries...some may be able to return to their habitat.
Could not identify for sure maybe Blue wing Teal