Monday, July 20, 2009

Dawson, Yukon, CA - July 12 - July 17, 2009

We were in Dawson for about a week with a side trip to the Arctic Circle. Dawson is such a quaint community. Enjoy the pics.....

Welcome to Dawson

View of Dawson from high on bluff on other side of the Yukon River

Pictures of downtown Dawson

How about a horse and wagon ride?

The day after we arrived they started to tear up Main Street

Views from Midnight Dome

Gertie and her dancers

Morris getting a dancing lesson


A Juniper beetle..........and he bites

We have it good in the lower 48 ........prices are high

I will never complain about the price of orange juice again ...$6.29 per half gallon

Taking a ferry ride

Power Parachute

Hang glider...notice the smoke in the back ground. We have a forest fire accross the river.

Enjoyed a Music festival

We bid fond farewell to Dawson City

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

$6.24/ half gallon!!! WOW!!

Morris/Dad -- with hats you really look like twins!