Friday, July 3, 2009

Muncho Lake - June 29 and 30

The drive to Muncho Lake was quite a trip with rain and misty conditions. The road is definitely not flat…However, when we got our first glimpse of the lake the beauty is hard to describe. The color is a milky Jade green. Chuck described the color as the green that old coke bottles were made of. Enjoy these pictures…..I must say that you can not really capture the color of the lake.

Strawberry Flats Campground

Music with our campfire


There is only beauty at the Provincial Parks, you must pump your water and when nature calls, there are clean pottys

We are not sure this little bird is going to make it


The morning we were going to leave Muncho Lake we could not back out of our RV site. We knew we had a problem, but did not know what for sure. We called our roadside service and got help. They had to tow us 385 miles to the nearest repair station.....that happened to be back (I stress BACK) to Fort St John. It seems we had lost our transmission. Here are a few pictures of the tow job.

Putting RV on the flatbed

Chuck had to steer the rig to keep it straight as they pulled it onto the flatbed

Chuck watch that first step it could be a leg breaker

Chuck getting help down from the rig

Saying goodbye to our rig...we will drive to Fort St John to Waterous Power where they will work on fixing it.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

This park is absolutely beautiful!!!

Good follow-up with the flatbed photos