Monday, August 3, 2009

July 18 - July 20, 2009

Well it is now time that we leave Dawson City. We had a wonderful stay....but remember we are on our way to Alaska and we have been traveling now one month and we have only been in Canada. We will now go over the Top of the World Highway to get to Tok, Alaska and then back to the Alcan Highway. Enjoy some of the sights we had along the way.

In line for the ferry

Chuck is driving our rig onto the ferry

Morris is next in line. Sandy and I took our cars accross the ferry first.

The rigs are on the ferry

Sandy is waiting for Morris to cross the river

We are crossing the Top of the World Highway

When they say rough road....they mean rough road


Here we are appoaching the town of Cicken, AK

Campground check-in

Chuck sitting outside the saloon

Morris and Chuck find the potties

The town consists of four stores: Cafe, Liquor Store, Saloon, and Mercantile. The winter residents count 6. No one in town has a flush toilet. This sure would be quite a way to live.

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