Monday, May 3, 2010

Kenai Peninsula, Anchorage to Palmer August 23 - 31, 2009

After leaving Seward we headed back to Anchorage. On the way we spent two nights at Williwaw Campground (USFS). From this campground we did day trips to Whittier, Alyeska and to Alyeska Wild Animal Conservation Center.

View of glacier from our campsite.

Trip to Whittier, AK

Here we are waiting to enter the Train/car tunnel to Whittier. This tunnel is the longest highway tunnel in North America as well as the longest train/car tunnel. We did not know until we entered the tunnel you actually strattle the railway tracks. This tunnel schedules when the train goes and when cars go...Hope that switch operator is at the job. LOL

Here we are waiting for our turn in line for the tunnel.

View from inside the tunnel

We had heard about the Raindeer Lady and wanted to see her raindeer, but alas due to the rainy weather she did not have him down at her store.

After sight seeing a bit we came upon Jolie's home.

View of Whittier harbor

I think this bird might be the Northern Gannet

Here we are at Portage Glacier. We visited the visitors center.

Next we were off to Alyeska to see the resort and take the tram ride.

The weather was a bit iffy, but we wanted to take the tram anyway. The fog kept rolling in and out. View of resort through the fog.

This is a big ski resort in the winter, but in the summer you can hike some of the trails. You can even take the tram one way and hike the other.

The tram coming through the fog

View of the ski lift

Morris and Sandy

Chuck and Jane

The resort had some beautiful flowers. I had not seen these before.

White Astible

Pink Astible

The Alyeska Wild Animal Conservation Center is a must!

Black Bear

Baby Moose


Plains Bison verses Wood Bison...the Plains Bison has a rounded hump, lighter in color, frizzy hair on foreleg, and large rounded beard. The Wood Bison has a square hump, darker in color hair down the forehead and small pointed beard.

Wood Bison with nursing young

Blacktailed Deer

Visiting Eagle, just coming in for a look around

Bald Eagle with injuried wing

Brown Bear


Musk Oxen


Here is a video of an Elk. Click on the arrow to view the video.

Video of the Dahl Sheep. Click on the arrow to view the video

Next we headed back to Anchorage to get our new refrigerator door...I have not talked about that much, but what a pain. It has been taking the two of us to open the refrigerator if we want anything. I will be so glad to get it fixed.

Moose on Elmendorf AFB...right next to the Famcamp where our rigs are parked.

When Chuck takes Tucker for a walk he has to hold real tight to the leash...Tucker would like to get one of those squirrels.

Morris and Sandy's rig parked at Elmendorf AFB Famcamp.

When in Anchorage you must visit the Farmer's Market. Here is Morris at the entrance to the market.

There even was entertainment at the market.

Beautiful display of vegetables....there were not a lot of vegetable for sale at the market, but you could just about find anything else.

They even had this baby Husky. He has the most beautiful blue eyes.

Along the street I saw these Artichokes growing

When in Anchorage you must visit the downtown and of course the Ulu Factory

Mall in downtown Anchorage

Here Chuck and I are enjoying the Turnagain Arm area.

To get out to the waters edge you have to cross the train tracks the go from Anchorage to Seward. Sandy, didn't your father ever tell you not to play on the tracks....let alone didn't you see the sign.

Since I caught Sandy on the tracks, I have to show you my picture of Morris and a set of tracks. I hear the train a comin' it's rollin' 'round the bend...LOL

Morris enjoying the moment as he looks out over the water

We visited Potter Marsh on the Turnagain Arm. Wanted to spend more time there. So much to see so little time. You need to click on picture to enlargen...BE SURE TO USE BACK BUTTON OR ELSE YOU WILL BE OUT OF THIS BLOG

Red-necked Grebe in center of picture

I guess it is "Bottoms Up"


Sights and sounds from the Alaska State Fair, Palmer, AK. The fair reminded me of an old fashioned fair that I went to when I was a child. When I was 10 years old I won a parakeet at the Clay County Fair in Spencer, Iowa. I could have won a monkey, but I did not think my father would let me keep the monkey, but maybe I
I would get to keep the parakeet...Sure enough I did and I named him PERKY!

You could even pick up a Hula hoop and give it a try for free.

Maybe you wanted to take a tethred balloon ride

Lets hear it for the red, white and blue

Entertaiment on the Colony Stage at the Alaska State Fair, Palmer, AK.

Some of the local entertainment. Click on the arrow to view the video.

Yes, the Beach Boys were the main attraction.

We got to enjoy the music of Hobo Jim, the official Alaska state balladeer. We also enjoyed his music when we were at the Cannery, Kenai, AK. He was singing at the Sockeye restaurant. We also enjoyed a great meal.

Speaking of sockeye would not find this ride down in the lower 48

There were many exhibits, including these:

There were a few animals, but not very many....and hardly any farm equipment.

Here is the Rat Race Game.

Guess which color hole the rat will go in and win....not very good odds.

What would a fair be without food. Chuck had the pork sandwich and I had the gluten-free Turkey leg.

We did visit the flowers and vegetable exhibits. This is the puff ball mushroom. I must say that this is the largest mushroom I ever saw.

Pretty good size cabbage too.

They had a pretty flower garden area. Here are some of the flowers. I do not know the names of these, but I will try to find out.


Every child loves a pony ride

Look at me.....don't you think I am cute.

Do you need a moose in your yard? Gosh could I be in Minnisota? LOL

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